Jonathan (JC) White aka Johnny Flip-Flop Quicktrack
New York City, d. 12.Aug.2017, cancer

Johnny Flipflop 

Johnny was a New York City bike messenger who had lung cancer and passed away in August 2017.


Olga and Jonathan met and fell in love in 2015. In the early spring of 2016 they woke up to the happiest and saddest day.  Olga was heading to the OB to listen to her baby's heart beat at 10 weeks pregnant, and Jonathan was heading to the doctor with a pesky cough that refused to go away.
Olga called Jonathan with the good news and he in exchange told her that they had found out he was in stage 4 lung cancer. Within a few weeks Jonathan was going through chemothetapy treatmet that resulted in scary and unwanted changes. While Olga grew, Jonathan fought. The couple managed to maintain a healthy positive outlook on life. Jonathan was an eternal optimist and a force to be reckoned with. On October little Ophelia was born. Things looked good and Jonathan still managed to work with a progressive disease and supported his girls. This July his health took a very sudden bad turn and after a month of long and painful fight, Jonathan passed away. Olga, now a widowed single mother is caring for their 10 month baby and unable to work untill Ophelia is old enough to go to Preschool. Her universe and heart are shuttered. Let's help get them back on their feet. Love and good health to you all. 

Johnny Flip flop

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